WMI of Texas Permit No. 249-D

Documents pertaining to TCEQ Docket No. 2006-0612 MSW and SOAH Docket No. 582-08-2816: MSW Type 1 Permit Amendment 249-D (Waste Management of Texas)

Application to expand a landfill at 9900 Giles Road in Travis County, Texas On TCEQ Commissioners’ Agenda on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 and March 10, 2010.

Permit Amendment Application 249-D, and 10 Revisions
Comments to Application, Comments to Comments
Transcripts: Pre-Hearing Conferences
Pre-filed Testimony (February/March 2009)
Objections to Pre-filed Testimony (March 2009)
Transcripts: Hearings on the Merits
Closing Arguments
SOAH Proposal for Decision
Exceptions and Replies to SOAH PFD
Final Order and Motions For Rehearing
Appeal of the TCEQ Determination to the District Court and Texas Court of Appeals
Significant Declarations, Orders and Discovery Issues
Order Granting Application 3-10-10