SOAH Proposal for Decision and Order 03-18-08
TCEQ Exec Director’s Response to the SOAH PFD 04-07-08
TJFA’s Exceptions to the PFD 04-07-08
WMI’s Response to the PFD 04-07-08
Concerned Citizens and Landowners’ (CCL) Response to the Applicant’s Exceptions to the PFD 04-16-08
TJFA’s Response to the Applicant’s Exceptions to the PFD 04-16-08
WMI’s Reply to TJFA’s Exceptions to the PFD 04-17-08
TCEQ’s Reconsideration Notice Letter for the pending commissioner’s agenda on 09-10-08 issued 08-27-08
TCEQ Order Approving Application 10-01-08